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Unlock the Healing Power of Your Body with PRP Therapy


Why Choose PRP Therapy?


  • Natural Recovery: Utilizes your own blood to accelerate healing, ensuring a natural and effective recovery process.

  • Minimally Invasive: A simple, non-surgical procedure that offers a quicker and less painful recovery compared to traditional surgery.

  • High Success Rate: Recent studies highlight an 80-85% success rate, with many patients experiencing significant improvement or complete recovery.

  • Safe and Reliable: With the use of your own blood, the risk of infections and allergic reactions is minimal.


The Benefits of PRP Therapy

  • Accelerates healing for ligament and tendon injuries.

  • Outpatient procedure with little to no discomfort.

  • No general anesthesia required.

  • Reduces the risk of infection and complications.


Your PRP Therapy Journey

  1. Consultation: Meet with our experts to see if PRP is right for you.

  2. Blood Collection: A small sample of your blood is taken.
  3. Preparation: Your blood is processed to concentrate the healing platelets.

  4. Injection: The PRP is precisely injected into the injury site.

  5. Recovery: Post-procedure guidance and follow-up to ensure the best outcome.


Post-Treatment Care

  • Minimal downtime, with most patients resuming normal activities quickly.

  • Follow-up care tailored to your recovery needs.



Ready to Experience the Healing Power of PRP Therapy?


Take the first step towards a pain-free life. Contact us at 708-599-5000 to schedule your consultation today. Let's harness your body's natural healing capabilities and get you back to doing what you love.





Step-by-Step Guide to PRP Treatment


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy offers a less invasive approach  compared to traditional surgery. Here's a detailed, step-by-step breakdown of the procedure:


Step 1: Blood Collection

  • A small sample of blood (between 10-60ml, depending on the PRP system) is drawn from the patient's arm, similar to a routine blood test.


Step 2: Preparation of PRP

  • The collected blood is placed in a disposable container or test tube.

  • This container is then put into a centrifuge machine, which spins the blood to separate its components by density.


Step 3: Separation and Concentration

  • After about 15 minutes of spinning, the blood components are separated. The process isolates the platelets, which play a crucial role in healing injuries.


Step 4: Extraction of Platelets

  • The concentrated platelets are extracted into a syringe, creating the platelet-rich plasma ready for injection.


Step 5: Anesthetizing the Injection Site

  • To minimize discomfort, the area around the injury may be numbed with a local anesthetic.


Step 6: Accurate Injection

  • Using advanced imaging techniques like fluoroscopy or dynamic musculoskeletal ultrasound, the doctor precisely injects the PRP into the damaged tendon area.

  • A simple Band-Aid is applied to the injection site afterwards.


Post-Injection Care

  • Observation: Patients might stay under observation from a few minutes to half an hour post-injection.

  • Managing Discomfort: Some discomfort or swelling at the injection site is normal and can last a few days, reflecting the body's natural healing response.

  • Home Care Tips:

    •  Apply ice to the injected area to reduce swelling.

    •  Keep the leg elevated.

    •  Limit physical activities for a few days.

    •  Comfort measures, such as staying comfortable and possibly taking prescribed pain relief medication (note: anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended as they can interfere with the treatment's inflammatory process).



Patients often see improvement after the first treatment. However, a follow-up appointment is typically scheduled six to eight weeks later to assess progress and decide if additional injections are needed. Some may require up to three injections for optimal results.


By following these steps, PRP therapy utilizes the body's own healing mechanisms to address patella tendinosis, offering a significant improvement or complete recovery for many patients without the need for invasive surgery.





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